Download the lastest ragnarok bot ready for different servers.
Server Included :
pRO [Philippines Ragnarok Online] - New Chaos - New Loki - Valkyrie - Valhalla - New Iris - Sakray
bRO [Brazil Ragnarok Online] - Asgard - Odin - Thor
fRO [France Ragnarok Online] - Chaos
idRO [Indonesia Ragnarok Online] - Thor - Legend - Fnc - Heroes
iRO [International Ragnarok Online] - Ymir - Yggdrasil - Valkyrie - Sakray - Loki Classic
jRO [Japan Ragnarok Online] - Verdandi
kRO [Korea Ragnarok Online] - Sara - Rangidis - Thanatos - Sakray
mRO [Malaysia Ragnarok Online] - Iris1 - Iris2 - Penril - Odin - Thor - freya - carnival - Prontera Free Server
rRO[Russia Ragnarok Online] - rRO- Renewal
twRO [Taiwan Ragnarok Online] - Chaos - Iris - ChaosFree - IrisFree - LokiFree - Devil King Poring - Golden Poring - Moonlight - Picky - Baphomet - Poring - Goblin - King of Poring - Devil Poring - Angel Poring - Rainbow Bridge - Prontera - Sakray
tRO [Thailand Ragnarok Online] - Norse - Alice - Poring - Yoyo - Picky
aRO [Middle East]
cRO [China Ragnarok Online]
If you want to add a new or private servers just edit the server.txt in the table program. make sure all the info needed are correct to be able to bot in other server. Take also into consideration that there are server that can catch bot so use it at your own risk.
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